
Elders suffer from social isolation by staying in a limited space for a long time, which eventually causes many complications such as loss of muscle strength and mental illness. We decided to build AR Intimate messenger that connects younger generations with elders through technology. How can we create an affective environment to reconnect generations, and fulfill their hopes to share memories with us?


Hyejun Youn

Brandon - Hololens 2 developer (Microsoft software engineer)

Yinggui Yang - 3D and 2D designer (Art student)

Camille Jeanjean - Actor, designer (French Artist)

My Role - Project Leader, UIUX & 3D Designer

Woked on research, ideation, prototyping, video production using After Effects, 3d animation using Unity and Maya


Sketch, Boostrap, HTML, CSS, Zeplin Giphy SDK, Google Cloud, Javascript, Docker, Photoshop After Effects